Au menu, support des disques USB-Flash et USB-HDD comprenant les fichiers systèmes : ext4, ext3, ext2, reiserfs, xfs et jfs. Possède également KDE 4.2.4, Kernel, OpenOffice 3.0.1, et X.Org 7.4.
1. Support of Italian and Polish has been added.
2. The system installation on USB Flash card has been added. You need in 2 Gb for it.
3. The forming of a new user account in KDE was accelerated by 2.5 times.
4. The setting of sound card has been added.
5. The identification of PCs and notebooks with using of 2 video cards has been added.
6. Unmasking of the unstable programm versions was made with taking account of the last available version at the building system time.
7. The option for boot of the LiveDVD image into the cash has been added. This routine is possible only for PC with more than 2 Gb of cash.
8. File README.html with description of installation has been added on the livecd desktop.
9. All packages are collected from the ebuild files Calculate Overlay. Thus Calculate Linux Desktop KDE is compatible with Gentoo on 100%.
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